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December 10, 2007

نامه اعتراضی حزب چپ سوئد خطاب به رئیس جمهوری اسلامی ایران در مورد دستگیری دانشجویان

To His Excellency

The President of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Stockholm, the 6 of December 2007

We have received information that on Sunday the second of December four students Mehdi Gharlailu, Anousha Azadfr, Alnaz Jamshidi and Ahsam Azadfer were arrested at the University of Teheran. They have been accused of preparing the 16 Azer – which is an important day in the history of the student movement of Iran both today and earlier in the history of the student movement. To commemorate 16 Azer can not be regarded as a crime.

To arrest and take somebody to court for preparing a anniversary cannot be regarded as anything else but a crime against democratic and human rights.

We strongly protest against the imprisonment of Mehdi Gharlailu, Anousha Azadfr, Alnaz Jamshidi and Ahsam Azadfer and demand that they must be released immediately.

For the Left Party of Sweden

Lars Ohly, MP and Chairman of the Left Party of Sweden

Hans Linde, MP of the Left Party of Sweden

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